About Zoe Zulu Productions
Zoe Zulu Productions is a company that has at its heart, the culture of Africa – with the underlying theme of being truly straight ‘Out of Africa’!
Being ethnically African in orientation, it has complimentary spin-off themes such as; Zulu Dialect coaching, Regalia and dress demonstrations, cultural music & dancing workshops, ethnic African arts & crafts presentations which augment our existing range of tutorials and lectures.
Our main focus is to bring together people of different race, religion and culture with the objective of significantly increasing knowledge of other cultures. Our courses assist and enhance multicultural understanding particularly in an age of cosmopolitan diversity.
By using such methods we are able to teach languages and cultural activities, especially to children; it is also a textbook method of acting as an ‘icebreaker’ in our modern and diverse society.
Mission Statement: A Journey Of A Swazi Through Culture Sharing.
Our Vision: You, Me, All of Us - Enjoying living in a healthy diverse society!
Zoe Dlamini-Sas, the founder and sole proprietor of Zoe Zulu Productions, was born and educated in the Kingdom of Eswatini also known as Swaziland, a mountainous country land-locked within South Africa and marking its north-eastern border with Mozambique. The Dlamini family is the Swazi Royal bloodline and still rule as reigning monarchs of the Kingdom of Eswatini. Their present king, Mswati III, is the last remaining ruling monarch in Africa and well-loved by his people.
I have lived in the Netherlands for the past 12 years and established Zoe Zulu Productions here in 2016. It was my love of travel and other interest in exploring other cultures, heritage, traditions and history that eventually prompted me to settle down in Wijchen.

During the course of this time, I became aware that although the Dutch people love to travel, particularly to Africa, my home country, its rich culture and beautiful country was virtually unknown. I therefore decided to put the matter straight and as a result I founded ZZP (Zoe Zulu Productions) which, I am delighted, has proved to be immensely successful.
I found it to be of great pleasure to share my culture with my Dutch friends and all that wish to ‘travel’ in Africa with me – travel without even needing to leave The Netherlands!
Knowing one culture is the key to opening to another – it’s all win-win!
About What We Do
We primarily provide interest to explore other cultures by addressing social multicultural living in Society and in particular to spread a greater and better understanding of Africa in particular.
Zoe Zulu Productions achieves this by means of several different pursuits such as; culture workshops, stage productions for schools, theatres or anyone interested in learning a new culture. We give an opportunity for actors to act in another language, with skills and confidence such as demonstrated in the production of “Lion King’’.
Presentations on Swaziland
Festivals and Cultural Fairs
African Arts & Crafts Demonstrations & Sales Music Entertainment for corporate events, conferences etc.

We also offer services that enable you to recruit actors of the required language abilities and create the opportunity for actors throughout the Netherlands and outside made possible through Skype coaching.
Coach actors to sing with confidence, feel less self-conscious which allows full concentration on delivering a dynamic and memorable presentation. Overall improvement in your pronunciation skills clear and articulate speech essential for professional success